The excitement and fun of 2021-2022 clearly shows in the Explore Program’s newest photo book. We had a wonderful time meeting new students and reconnecting with educators as in-person programming was relaunched and expanded. Explore’s manufacturing and community and technical college partners helped us surpass our expectations by providing educational experiences that showcase career pathways in West Virginia’s manufacturing industry.
2021-2022 Explore the New Manufacturing Highlights:
- New this year were four regional award ceremonies to celebrate student success and achievement.
- The Explore Program engaged approximately 4,000 middle and high school students across West Virginia.
- 61 manufacturing partners played a crucial role in helping students explore career opportunities and skills needed for industry jobs.
- Retention of manufacturing partners totaled 85.4% for 2019-2021.
If you're interested in receiving a viewable PDF copy of our Year in Photos 2021-2022, send us an email at