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Bricie Brannan
Sherrard Middle School
Middle School Category
Middle School Category
“Mrs. Brannan’s STEM classes were some of my favorite classes at Sherrard Middle School. Her classes were always engaging and provided a unique learning environment, different from the standard classroom. “
“I learned coding in Mrs. Brannan’s class. It was fun and she made it easy to learn.”
“I learned coding in Mrs. Brannan’s class. It was fun and she made it easy to learn.”


“Mrs. Brannan has helped build the entire STEM program at Sherrard, developed curriculum, and been a technology leader in the school for all staff. Mrs. Brannan goes above and beyond in everything she does at Sherrard. She loves her work and the students.”
Jason Marling, Principal
Sherrard Middle School
Sherrard Middle School

“The Explore Program is an excellent tool to get students excited about the many careers available in manufacturing, but the program would not be a success withoutthe support of educators. We are grateful for the hard work, leadership, and guidance displayed by Bricie Brannon of Sherrard Middle School. Her dedication to her students is vital to the Explore Program, and to West Virginia manufacturing.”
Katie Bricker, General Marketing Manager
The Fiesta Tableware Company
The Fiesta Tableware Company

2020 Northern Region Outstanding Creativity Winners
Sherrard’s What’s So Cool About Manufacturing? Student Video Team coached by Bricie Brannon