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Daniel Cosgrove
Social Studies & Leadership Team
Calhoun County Middle High School
Middle School Category
Calhoun County Middle High School
Middle School Category
“West Virginia needs educators, mentors, and friends like Daniel Cosgrove. His students are engaged, excited, and interested in education and career opportunities that will help our state meet future demand and shine on the open market.”
David Wojciechowicz
Maintenance Supervisor
Belle Chemical Company
David Wojciechowicz
Maintenance Supervisor
Belle Chemical Company


“As soon as Mr. Cosgrove and his students arrived at Clearon, it was immediately apparent that he is a special educator. We enjoyed watching him interact with the students, as it was obvious that he truly cares about their education and development.”
Melissa Wandling
Sr. Director of Human Resources
Melissa Wandling
Sr. Director of Human Resources
"Mr. Cosgrove is an outstanding teacher who is an advocate for his students. His actions reflect what he says. Mr. Cosgrove is greatly deserving of this recognition.”
David Gaul
Calhoun County Middle High School
David Gaul
Calhoun County Middle High School
“No matter how positive, innovative, or technologically advanced the future of West Virginia industry and manufacturing may look, I can promise you, that future will never be realized unless our next generation is equipped to handle the demand. Thank you for your dedication to the students of Calhoun Middle School and the future of West Virginia manufacturing.”
David Wojciechowicz,
Maintenance Supervisor
Belle Chemical Company
David Wojciechowicz,
Maintenance Supervisor
Belle Chemical Company