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Rex Rush
Technology Education / Robotics / Engineering
Hundred High School
High School Category
Hundred High School
High School Category
“Rex promotes exemplary student service to his community through technical education. His students built a prominent visitor center in Hundred, provided attractive signage throughout the community, and worked with city leaders on improvements.”
Tammy Holbert Wells
Wetzel County Board of Education
Tammy Holbert Wells
Wetzel County Board of Education


"I use project-based learning that directly relates to the West Virginia Content Skill Sets and coordinates with the skills that students will learn and use in the industry to be productive employees. For example, students in the construction class will learn basic contractor practices and codes to build a structure. In the communication classes, students utilize software programs and equipment to produce banners, t-shirts, vinyl cutting, sublimation, etc."
“I use a variety of online tools to keep the educational process continuous for the students. Recently, I submitted a lesson on the WVDE Educator Hub for a resource for other CTE educators to use as a project-based learning tool. Currently. I use ICEV Online, Schoology, TinkerCad, and Microsoft Teams for each concentration that I teach. Using these programs, I can track student progress and communicate with students through video and chat."
"Rex has been able to do community-oriented projects through the completion grants that included the creation of lamp post banners for the town, a small cabin (that represents the original homestead of the founders of our town) and the construction of an amphitheater that will serve the town for years to come upon its completion. Rex is currently working with our CTE teachers to start a Skills USA Chapter and a National Technical Honor Society at Hundred High School.”
Beth Sigley, Principal
Hundred High School
Beth Sigley, Principal
Hundred High School